Monthly Archives: June 2011

Toriko 12 Release
The tip of the food chain.
Ok, this is all done. Sorry it’s a little late. We hit a couple snags we’ve been working out. Once all the new staff members have finished a few episodes I’d expect things to go more smoothly. Once we’ve gotten used to a singular pace.
Speaking of which, if there’s anyone with fansubbing experience as an editor that’s willing to set aside time to work on this show on a weekly basis, we’re looking to recruit one more. Both to speed up the process by having more help in that area and to try to help improve the quality of the subs overall. You can PM me in the IRC channel or email me at
Anyhow, enjoy.

Toriko 11 Released
OOok, now we’re back on track.
Ok, this is done. We ran in to a few more problems than we expected, sorry for the delay.
Episode 12’s already translated and hopefully will go smoother. Once the group gets more organized these’ll be released faster. We might be altering a few things from the previous episodes like the attack fonts in the near future, depending on how things go with the staff.
Speaking of which, thanks to all our new staff:
Nyara – Typsetting
Ketsurui – Timing
KoolKidsK – Editing
kokus – Encoding
FatedKusari – Webmaster
Ok, I’m going back to working on 12. Enjoy, everybody.

Updates – Toriko not Dropped
Hey, we’re not dropping Toriko.
Or at least, I’ve got no plans to. But as you can see, I’m just in the middle of trying to update our website and basically because I was never able to find someone experienced to do it I’ve been trying to do it myself. I haven’t settled on a theme yet but I’ve been trying to at least get the basic stuff on here.
The only thing is we don’t have enough people on staff to do the project by ourselves. Really, we wouldn’t have started a joint in the first place if we did. And SGKK didn’t discuss with us about them dropping it at all. In fact they haven’t discussed jack shit with us, essentially they just told us “do your jobs then shut up” for the past 7 weeks or so whenever I asked them anything. Usually just ignoring me completely and not letting us into any of the processes besides translating and distro.
We have staff for most of the jobs but it’s just a lot of them aren’t active enough to do this every week, and I’m gonna need new people in order to continue the series.
Here are the job positions we need to fill as of now (I’ll update this as things develop):
Timer – Needs experience timing, including fine timing, and needs to be available on Sundays/Mondays to time this show on a weekly basis.
Editor – Needs experience editing anime (as in proofreading, improving grammar and vernacular language). Also needs to be available on Sunday/Monday to do this show efficiently and on a weekly basis.
Typesetter – Needs experience typsetting signs. Toriko doesn’t have many besides the beast descriptions, but we need someone dedicated to this job on Sunday/Monday, too. We also need someone to do the typsetting for the attack effects, for which we should be able to reuse the ones we’ve used so far for.
Karaoke Typesetter – Available to design and time new OP/EDs. Also needed to design attack effects.
I may be able to ask people in other groups I work with to join us and do some of these jobs. And I’m pretty confident we can handle the other jobs, also some of the less active members of the staff can probably help with these on occasion, too. But for now I’ll just leave this here. If you’re dedicated and want to join then either email me at or send me a PM in our IRC channel,
I use the same username there, “animedes”.
Also I need to find somebody to help me make this site better. For now I’m just going to work on modifying this WordPress site until it’s got everything the previous site had. I’m fine with someone designing a whole new site, too. It’s the same contact information for if you want to help with that.
Thanks for your dedication guys, and I really hope some people will be willing to help us out with this.
And obviously, the next episode is gonna be delayed until there’s a person to do every job.
Edit: Ok, I think we got all the jobs filled besides someone to redesign the website (I’d still really appreciate anyone willing and able to do that). Thanks to everyone who tried out.
Please be patient guys as we try to get used to our new setup. Like I said, SGKK didn’t tell me shit so apparently they’ve been doing nothing for 2 days since I translated episode 11. So now we’re starting it with a new staff for most jobs and have to get used to everything, so it could take longer than usual.
Edit 2: Ok, so we have a webmaster now. Thanks to everybody who volunteered.
We’re trying to work out a few things with Toriko 11 because we’re doing it solo now, and things are pretty crazy this week because of all that’s been going on and we’re not in sync with when each job gets done yet, so it’ll take some time to get done. I’ll try to make sure it gets done before the next episode airs.
Edit 3: Sorry for the downtime guys. I fixed it.
All we’ve got left is redesigning the attack effects, followed by final checks, for Toriko 11. Hopefully it won’t take long.

Getting New A-D Going
Hey, this is just a temporary site while we setup our new one.
Please have patience while we setup, the releases should come out in the usual places.
Useful links:
Bittorrent Tracker
XDCC Packlist
Direct Downloads
Or go to our IRC channel at
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