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Kingdom 480p:

Kingdom 720p hi10p:

So many goddamn things have gone wrong this week I can’t count them all. I’m so stressed out by all the extra work I’ve had to do… Anyhow, the next Kingdom and Toriko should be done pretty soon.

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  1. lembu November 20, 2012

    thanks for the release!

  2. Toriko November 20, 2012

    Thank you for all the hard work. 🙂

  3. mikness360 November 20, 2012


  4. One Guy November 20, 2012

    Thankx alot,bu still it’s a little bit big,plz keep it less than 400 m.

  5. Predelnik November 20, 2012

    Anyway, thank you for the things that you are doing, they are incredibly important.

  6. Random November 20, 2012

    Not sure if it was a problem on my side, but I noticed that the kanji in the karaoke works again after not working for several episodes. Good job on fixing that!

  7. Bobbybick November 19, 2012

    Thanks again for all your hard work!

  8. Tibb November 19, 2012

    Thank you!!

  9. Tibb November 19, 2012

    Thank you!


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