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  1. The Monk June 23, 2013

    Can’t wait for the next epic releases!
    excpecting great and accurate things yet again this week πŸ˜‰
    I can only hope that you guy’s keep up your new found releasing speed!! ;D
    Keep up the great work!!

  2. envy June 21, 2013

    thanx a lot

  3. mdsz June 19, 2013

    Muchas gracias son los mejores!!!! πŸ˜€

  4. Thanks for Toriko! Really epic episode!!!

  5. Watcherzero June 18, 2013

    SS3 Toriko, long hair, punches enemies through mountain.
    Master Chin, flys through air dragonball style asking his comrades to hold on till he gets there.
    Komatsu being even more Krillin than normal.

    I forgot what show I was watching here for a while.

  6. Froglegstew June 18, 2013

    Thanks for the quick Kingdom release. The subs were great as usual. Gotta love you guys

  7. JagatNaruto June 18, 2013

    Good 720p size! Another 20MB slashed, only 20MB left to approach IMPOSTER “around 200MB” size releases.

    Great job!

  8. Big_Boss_90 June 18, 2013

    Double Thank you!

  9. Alextheriot June 17, 2013

    Thanks for the quick upload guys, you rule!

  10. Thank you June 17, 2013


  11. The Monk June 17, 2013

    Fuck yeah!!
    Thanks for the early epic releases!!

  12. Midguardian June 17, 2013

    Thank you!

  13. Credible June 17, 2013

    Correction here is the updated link :
    for toriko 109 from anime destiny.

  14. Soz June 17, 2013

    The links to kingdom all link to ep 1.. πŸ™

  15. insanemultitasker June 17, 2013

    Holy smokes… Monday continues to surprise me!!!!

  16. abans June 17, 2013

    all the links are from kingdom ep1

  17. boossss June 17, 2013

    the links i click on are D/L kingdom episode 1….

  18. abans June 17, 2013

    damn thank you a lot guys

  19. boossss June 17, 2013


  20. boossss June 17, 2013

    yessssssssssssssssssss!!!! WHAT A DAMN TURNAROUND GUYS!!!!!!!!!


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