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A formal occasion where we eat 10 times our weight…


There’s a public raw of the Blu-Ray rip of the 40-minute Toriko movie. So we’ll try to do that sometime soon, I guess.

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  1. DestroyerRingFaggot September 19, 2011

    Thanks! Can’t wait for 24!

    Thanks for being so fast and doing this series. So far it’s awesome! It’s probably the only ongoing anime that i curently follow.

    Man the Toriko Gourment Adventure (the 3d movie) has been out in August 8th, and i just now found a torrent of it…

  2. Grim September 14, 2011

    Thank you very much.

  3. Anon September 14, 2011

    Just here to say thanks. Keep up the good work!

  4. Kurisu September 13, 2011

    Another good episode and once again we get very good subs ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks! :p

  5. anon September 13, 2011

    It’s ‘mic’ not ‘mike’, dumbasses.

  6. milek September 13, 2011

    thank you for toriko. i hope you will also translate spoilers when it comes out

  7. macxxx007 September 13, 2011

    Wow… I wonder if this show has anything to do with food, lol

    Thanks so much for the episode! Have a good week!

  8. Kazuma-chan September 12, 2011

    Thanks! Pretty fast subbing this time, huh? That’s nice! Can’t wait for the Soup Saga!!

  9. Zawa September 12, 2011

    Thanks for the subs as usual. Awesome! Can’t wait for the movie. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. crono September 12, 2011

    thank u for the release, cant wait to see the next episode of toriko. could u give any kind of update regarding doubutsu no kuni. thank u


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