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Toriko 41:
10bit 720p:

Bakuman II 10:

animedes’s Edit: Mostly Bakuman is bottle necked at typsetting, but now that we have both our typsetters back we should be able to get the episodes out. I’ll be trying my best to make sure things keep moving.

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  1. mikness360 January 30, 2012

    thanks for the episode,guys!!!!!!!!

  2. Pra7ul January 29, 2012

    Keep up the good work, i prefer your subs only,

    so i’m waiting for rest of your bakuman up’s. 😀 ,

  3. mikness360 January 26, 2012

    great job,thanks guys!!!!funny episode though it was a filler or filler-alike!!

  4. Kyuzo January 25, 2012

    Thx for your efforts.

  5. Grim January 25, 2012

    Thank you very much.

  6. milek January 25, 2012

    thank you for your hard work and toriko

  7. TC January 25, 2012


    DDLs going to be up soon?

  8. mascthemoney January 24, 2012

    Love your Bakuman. Have been waiting since ep 09 for your releases, glad to get this one! Pleae keep ’em coming!
    – A fan

  9. Geese1 January 24, 2012

    Great to finally see more Bakuman – thanks for the release!

  10. Smotchuu January 24, 2012

    Thanks for the latest Toriko episode 😀

  11. All Purpose Glove January 24, 2012

    Great work guys. Would anyone be willing to put a torrent together with all the Toriko files up to date? I can’t find one anywhere. If I don’t see one in the next few days, I’ll put one up on Demonoid if that is okay. Thank you again for your hard work!

    • Hugh_Jasss January 25, 2012

      iirc, someone said that if there were to be batches of toriko, it’d be every 50 episodes. so we’ll see

  12. Watem January 24, 2012

    Thank you! Exellent ep!

  13. Chewy January 24, 2012

    thx love u guys

  14. anonymous January 24, 2012 blocking the US.

  15. Grobar January 24, 2012

    “All our typesetters are back and all the episodes of Bakuman are at least partially done. They should start to get finished soon.”

    What´s up with Bakuman ?
    Is the meaning of “soon” 2 Weeks, 1 Month, a Year or anything elses ?

  16. Alev January 24, 2012

    Yayayayay, THANKS! <3


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