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  1. Torikomastu March 6, 2012

    Thank you and wonderful job! πŸ™‚ btw nice to see chatbox removed… couldn’t stand those indecent words by indecent fellas… πŸ˜€

  2. LoH and the queer pirates! February 29, 2012

    Nice episode! Part of Toriko’s charm is that it’s a world full of misteries. I hope we’ll continue to see Toriko’s adventures, because it would be lame if there were only fights… I knew there would be someone waiting for Toriko at the top… Nice scary music as well.

    Thanks team, wonderful job as usual!

    From LoH – the cloud cumming GOD OF MANGA, and his butt birates!

  3. milek February 29, 2012

    thank you for toriko

  4. Smotchuu February 29, 2012

    Thank you πŸ™‚
    Highlight of the day πŸ˜€

  5. macxxx007 February 28, 2012


    Thanks so much for the episode!

    Have a good night!

  6. wakkawalla February 28, 2012


  7. Chewy February 28, 2012

    Thx u guys are the best

  8. Alev February 28, 2012

    Ah, you guys are amazing, thank you SO much! *_*

  9. rtrs February 28, 2012

    First! ^^
    Enjoy the episode!


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