Daily Archives: October 11, 2011

Toriko 27 & Toriko Movie 3D Release
So here’s all this stuff.
Ep 27:
1080p 8bit:
1080p 10bit:
This release got a little delayed because our encoder had internet problems.
We’ve got the movie in a whole bunch of versions because it’s from a Blu-Ray rip. It took a while to get done because we’ve been trying to get it in the best quality possible.
So, if you’re not already aware, this aired as a sort of double-feature with the One Piece movie “Mugiwara Chase” in March. They’re not connected in any way otherwise, though. But that’s the reason the movie is only about 40 minutes long. If you combine its and One Piece’s times, it’s 80-something minutes.
The movie essentially functions as a prequel to the Toriko anime (It came out before the anime started). It’s loosely based on the Toriko One-Shot published in early 2008. Though it changed all the elements of that one-shot that were later used in the series.
Please pay no attention to the ending song. I think we can all agree we’re better off pretending it doesn’t exist.
The next Bakuman episode should be done pretty soon. It’s taking a while to do all the signs right.
Episode 27 is large because the way we encode it makes it so, by adding high bitrate cause of the high motion (like the snow), so it’ll keep up with the quality by adding additional bitrate.
Hi10p is a new way of encoding in 10bit depth, instead of the usual 8bit. 10 bit offers way more colors, and as such it’ll make banding disappear, and also give better compression (notice the size of the two 1080ps and see the difference).
Enjoy, everybody.
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