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480p v2:

720p v2:

We still really need a dedicated timer and another QCer for this show, because a lot of the staff’s schedules make it difficult for them to work right when the episode comes out. As before, PM me (Kewl0210) on the IRC channel ( or email me at

Thanks, enjoy.

Edit: There was a small mistake in the original, so we made a v2. If you don’t care, it’s not a big difference.

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  1. Ahmad June 17, 2012

    Thanks guys .. I’m new here .. I’m gonna download it and see how good you are ..

    Thanks again ^_^

  2. new June 17, 2012

    is it 10 bit ??

  3. Lover of Gaykuto June 15, 2012

    Thanks 🙂

  4. eng June 14, 2012


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