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Kingdom 480p:

Kingdom 720p hi10p:

Okay, this is finally done. Sorry it took longer than usual, there was some sort of problem that cropped up on literally every stage. But we got it done, here ya go.
We could really use another timer to help with this show. Mostly because the others are too busy during the week to do it a lot of the time. If you want to tryout, PM me (kewl0210) on the IRC channel.

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  1. Persius October 3, 2012

    Hello , i wanted to know when will Kingdom episode 18 be released , i like ur subs + video quality , plz let me know , also can u put chatango chat on ur site ?

  2. Illumi October 2, 2012

    There is no ep in the link of the 480p version

  3. Skyrae October 1, 2012

    Thanks..but..the 480p link doesn’t work.

  4. . September 29, 2012

    Bakuman? -_-

    • Kewl0210 September 29, 2012

      I’m trying to get Bakuman finished when I have time. The plan is to buy the BDs for the end of the series. We’re not gonna do season 3 or anything though because we don’t have the people to work on it.

  5. battlebamon September 29, 2012

    Thanks! I basically waited to download your sub because Warul and the other subs are not as good as yours. Kingdom is an awesome anime and I really don’t want to watch it in anything but the highest quality which is your 720 subs.

  6. Big_Boss_90 September 28, 2012

    Thank you!


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