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Kingdom 480p:

Kingdom 720p hi10p:

Okay, this is done. Toriko’s done script-wise but there was a problem with the encode so it needs to be re-encoded which should take until tomorrow, probably. I dunno, for all of the problems we’ve had this week something else could go wrong for all I know.

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  1. Big_Boss_90 November 23, 2012


  2. Ren November 21, 2012

    thanks a-d!

  3. lembu November 21, 2012

    Thanks for the release!oh man, another massive battle next episode ?

  4. Bobbybick November 21, 2012

    Awesome work wasn’t expecting it this early!

    Prioritizing this over Toriko IMO makes more sense as Toriko seems very filler-heavy.

  5. Name November 21, 2012

    720p link is for TK flowers or something and 480p link is for 720p vid

    should be



  6. CorteXz November 21, 2012

    Great Work.
    Though the 720p Links seems to be a different file.
    Other then that keep up the great work!

  7. Zero_Mundo November 20, 2012

    Thanks !!
    All the effort is very much appreciated !!
    Keep up the great work!!
    Its great you produce Toriko and Kingdom fansubs!! Excellent subs at one place ;P
    Arigato mina!

  8. Drewby November 20, 2012

    Wow, that was quick, hit the backspace button after downloading torrent for 24 and 25 popped up lol, Thanks a ton for this.


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