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Kingdom 480p:

Kingdom 720p hi10p:

And now we’re all done. Here is the last episode of Season 1 of Kingdom, episode 38.
Season 1 ends at the end of volume 16. Then there are some filler scenes where Xin talks to Zheng and Diao.
Season 2 starts in June. So we’re planning on doing that. We’re gonna make a few corrections to earlier episodes and make a batch torrent for all of season 1 (Fixing a few minor inconsistencies, mostly).
In the meantime until the 2nd season comes out, I’m gonna translate the entire manga and scanlate it with Vendetta Scans. So go check them out if you wanna see that.

Okay, here are those batch torrents. There are a few changes for consistency and such on a handful of episodes. All of it’s really minor though. All “diva” was fixed to “deva”, things like that. Also stuff like those episodes where the ED wasn’t styled and such were fixed.:
Kingdom 480p:

Kingdom 720p hi10p:

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  1. Qin Shi Huang June 13, 2013

    Some update on the second season please???

  2. Ciuvak June 11, 2013

    Any progress on the kingdom second season?

  3. Hawk March 8, 2013

    It looks like there was some sort of torrent corruption on the batches.

    On episodes 3, 4, 7, 15,16, 20, 30 and 33 the CRCs don’t match when you download the batch.

    If you use the files downloaded from the batch and “fix” them with the single torrent files then they are okay again. They have maybe 5 broken pieces at most.

  4. Ukog March 5, 2013

    No Toriko this week as well?:(

  5. Random March 2, 2013

    Any chance for patches for the fixed episodes? Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kewl0210 March 2, 2013

      There are only changes in 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 34, 35
      So you can just download those is you want. But seriously, it’s barely any different. Also I don’t know how to make patches and my encoder doesn’t listen to me when I make special requests, so I can’t help you there.

  6. Esker March 1, 2013

    Oh, and since you’re talking about a batch with fixes, could I suggest that you fix the timing on the title card subs and/or chapters? Somewhere around half the episodes have the subs appearing just before the chapter instead of after, meaning that when you skip to that chapter you don’t see the subs.

    Not a big issue, but a mild annoyance that should be a simple fix.

  7. Lucas February 27, 2013

    PLease like our Kingdom Faceboook Fan Page
    Thank you ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. Jinbei~Boy February 27, 2013

    thanks for your awesome hard work, can’t wait for the next season

  9. Big_Boss_90 February 27, 2013

    Thank you very much for this series!

  10. Bobbybick February 26, 2013

    Awesome thanks for this episode so quick and great to hear about the manga scans dunno if I wanna spoil the anime series for myself though.

  11. CorteXz February 26, 2013

    Thanks for 720p, Nice to hear your going to be translating the manga. Can’t wait!

  12. Lucas February 26, 2013

    Both link is 720p. Please check


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