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  1. Harm November 4, 2013

    Most amazing anime + best subs in the world!

    Keep it up!!

  2. niceguyeddie November 3, 2013

    thanks, great job guys.
    when you release on a sunday it really does help.

    regards, eddie

  3. Name November 3, 2013

    it’s taking you guys forever to upload a new episode. the suspense is unbearable. Thanks.

  4. Shiro-Yin October 28, 2013

    Thank you so much

  5. Jayvøn October 28, 2013

    You guys do a real good job thanks! I know it’s to late to say this but you guys should have used a different font for S2.

  6. Ads October 28, 2013

    Awesome Thanks!!


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