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Kingdom S2 31 480p

Kingdom S2 31 720p Hi10p

By a freak accident, here’s Kingdom a day early. The conclusion to the battle is near, 8 episodes to go until the end of season 2.

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  1. strik3agle January 26, 2014

    Woot!! Thanks for the release!! πŸ˜€ Btw, in need seeder for Kingdom S1 ep 8… Anyone mind helping pls? Thanks..

  2. Powerfool19 January 8, 2014

    Thanks anime destiny for subbing and uploading this Kingdom anime, I love it!

  3. VISION-KING January 5, 2014

    Wow, what a scene.

    And much of it is different from the magna. Where Meng Ao lost his left hand & elbow, but I guess they changed it for a different purpose for the anime. Makes one think, is the arm broken temporally, or will it dangle in the future? So many questions we like to know?

    Oh well, I wonder if next episode will star the victory for Qin or not yet? Some scenes are new and differently place then from the manga. With 8 more to go, what can happen?

    Keep up good work, and good luck on the next Toriko episode. Look forward to it too.

    • Davi January 9, 2014

      Please next time, put some alert before spoilers.

  4. Matthew January 5, 2014

    Thank you so much for subbing this series! Please don’t stop doing it! πŸ™‚

  5. mimi January 5, 2014

    wow, what happend thanks….. whata gift πŸ˜€

  6. Name January 5, 2014

    wow epic !!!

  7. Shiro-Yin January 5, 2014

    Thank you so much. Looking forward to more freak accidents β™₯

  8. Arw January 5, 2014

    I would rather expect spanish inquisition than this one ;D. You guys are great, gotta love you!

  9. yay January 5, 2014

    THANK YOu guys so much πŸ™‚ yay time 2 watch hehe

  10. Oreo January 5, 2014

    Awesome!!! THANKS! :DDDD


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