Okay, this episode’s all done. And it’s a pretty good one. Lotta stuff happening. We have a couple new people seeming to work out. We could really use a dedicated typesetter though, still. Any any experienced editors or QCers would help out a lot, especially for when Kingdom starts. That’s a job that really takes experience to do well and improve the script. Anyhow, enjoy, everyone.
I made these batch torrents of episodes 51-100, too. It took a long time because I basically had to upload them overnight several days in a row and I kept forgetting.
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Muchas gracias! son los mejores! 😀
So how many days did it take Toriko to eat his way along that!!???
Thank you!
Can everybody tell me what video player they use to watch Anime Destiny’s Toriko releases and if they can see the name and level of the ingredients when they are shown on screen? I use GOM player but when the the capture level appears I only see a sequence of numbers and if any one is talking all the subs disappear until after the capture level dialogue is over.
Just use http://smplayer.sourceforge.net/en/info for everything.
Sweet! Thanks so much for the episode!
Have a great night!