Ookay, here’s this. We’re still working on Kingdom.
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eso! ya me hacia falta Toriko! π
where is toriko 109?
Thanks for all the hard work guys!
Please release kingdom anime destiny i can’t take it anymore. My soul leaving it’s body…
gahhh i died…
come on finish now
it sucks for kingdom fans that theres only one group willing to sub this awesome anime, and if this is gonna be their normal pace for subbing kingdom, then us fans are gonna have a damn agonizing wait between eps π
I just hope that most of their staff have been busy for the 5 days that it has been out
I wont say anything else incase we get a fuckyou release for the fans lol
I’m not worried about the timing — even if it is another week, they said it is being worked on. I cannot imagine the time or effort it takes to translate a show much less Kingdom with its complicate names. when it is posted, I hope everyone gives encouragement and thanks for their efforts π
What do you expect guys it takes them 3 days to sub Toriko, Chill because it seems that Kingdom is way hard for them so its gonna take at least a week. Actually it would be nice if they could finish it within 2 weeks
Well during the first season, Kingdom was normally released on wednesday, two days after it was aired. I think it is normal that people get impatient, since Anime-Destiny is the only group subbing Kingdom 2. I am not upset with A-D, since they do an amazing job, but I still think it would be nice to get some status information on Kingdom.
no ones mad at A-D were just mad that we can’t see this amazing show after a whole god damn week of waiting in suspense…
Do you know how many hits A-D must be getting??I have been refreshing every 30 min since monday hoping its up lol.
Come on! Can’t wait anymore, where’s Kingdom? It’s been 4 days!
can’t wait for Kingdom season 2 =)
Thank you for picking Toriko before Kingdom. Chiyo is a BEAST! Crazy episode! The filler part and the low budget really killed the moments for me in this ep…
Thanks for your hard work. May I ask when you approximately will release Kingdom? Since there are a lot of people waiting for the second season, it might be nice to get an estimated date/time. I personally refresh this page fanatically for the last couple of days and I grow more and more impatient. So I guess it might be nice to get some news like “Hey! Kingdom won’t be online before wednesday” or something like that, just so that we can sleep, eat und live in peace until the release.
where kingdom??????
Awesome episode
Thank you very much for yours hard work from Russia and Ukraine.
Thank you!
Thanks it’s much appreciated.
Thanks so much for the episode!
Thank you guys!