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Toriko 146 480p

Toriko 146 720p Hi10p

Ok, one more episode left. It looks like they’re going with an original ending of some sort. The way things go in the manga were probably too depressing, I can’t tell how much they’re gonna tie it back to the original story though. Either way, it’s been a great run.
I haven’t had time to work on the movie really. It’s a long thing, the length of several episodes, and I’ve had a lot of other projects and things in my life to work on. I’m gonna be working on that once the TV anime ends.

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  1. VISION-KING March 30, 2014

    Man, I hope Toriko anime is just gonna be on a hiatus planning.

    Cause they caught up to the manga’s part too quickly. Now they need a plan to draw in some stretch fillers, kinda like what they did for Naruto when Sasuke was taken, they made a bunch of fillers to help keep the anime & manga apart.

    If you’re probably looking for other animes that need subtitles, you can look over some past ideas I once said. Heck, maybe find another anime series that’s action noteworthy &/or someone never made subs for the series.

    Hmmm, what about that Magi, that had a first version made and then they started making a second version. But, just saying out thoughts. Don’t have a clue what you’ll do, but at least it’ll be something if Toriko isn’t coming for some time. Till then, good luck.

  2. Neros March 30, 2014

    Now that Kingdom is over and Toriko is just about ended. Whats your guys plans for future fansub projects?

  3. Akai_Sasori March 30, 2014

    Some problems with 480p. Torrent tells, that there is CRC error.

  4. nks March 29, 2014

    Batch after the end?

  5. sanji March 29, 2014

    thank you for toriko and kingdom

  6. hhmah March 28, 2014

    thanks guys

  7. Christie March 27, 2014

    Speaking of manga…. IS there anyplace to download good clean copies?

    • senadtm87 March 27, 2014

      Why do you need clean copy, you have english version, just write over it, or clear their translation. You dont have to do any redrawing so it will be easy πŸ™‚

    • Zero_Mundo March 31, 2014


      If you have a tablet(Ipad) download & upgrade manga storm.
      It helps you archive manga’s neatly from several of the big manga websites. Quality of the images are really good, as for the translation’s I don’t know as i cant read Japanese.

      Good luck

  8. Silvata March 26, 2014

    just take ur time on the movie ._.
    don have to rush it πŸ˜€

  9. macxxx007 March 25, 2014

    Too awesome… thanks so much for working on this… You definitely deserve a medal for working on something this massive! Can’t wait to see your work on the next episode!

  10. Fulbring March 25, 2014

    Thanks for the Toriko, although I stopped watching the series from episode 144, I’ll finish this off. The anime adaptation is pretty bad but hey, you win some and lose some.

    As for the movie. You guys can take your time. I like it to be released in a couple of months anyways since exams are coming up and April is packed for mostly all College/University Students.

  11. Zero_Mundo March 25, 2014

    Thanks for all the effort of bring us Toriko & Kingdom for so long! (& ofcourse other great works in the past!)
    I think it’s a huge shame they made Toriko into such a childish adaption with all the lack of blood etc. But I could’ve lived with that if they didn’t cut it off and deviated from the main story.. (And I didn’t even read the manga!)

    I hope you guy’s will be subbing either JoJo next season or other epic animes! And I especially can’t wait for the return of Kingdom!

    Again thanks for all the effort & I’ll be checking back to see what new show’s y’all pick up πŸ˜‰
    Keep at it!


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