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This one’s cool…
Mixer Punch


Ok, here ya go.
We were able to find someone to fill in for designing karaoke styles. Thanks to KaiserDragon for setting aside time to help with that. But the person who had tried out to be typsetter the other week later found out he wasn’t going to have time to do the job, so he had to quit. We still need someone to do that job, for now we have other members filling in parts of it when they have time. If you can help, email me at It’d really help us out.

Also. There’s no Toriko episode airing next week. No One Piece either, incidentally. The next episode airs on July 31st, so we’ll see you around then.

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  1. Krattos22 July 30, 2011

    Would be able to pass me your contact and talk about the possibility of a partnership so I can get as soon as possible episodes of Toriko.

  2. zangetsukakashi July 29, 2011

    @krattos22, episode 17 comes out july 31, ,,, last week was a week off with no episodes

  3. Krattos22 July 29, 2011

    Hi I’m Brazilian and you’ll get the Toriko to translate for Brazilian fans.
    Could you give me some information about the Toriko 17 if it was not displayed or if just has not been translated?

  4. infinitywulf July 23, 2011

    Thanks very much for another release of Toriko! And no One Piece or Toriko this week, that is sad news indeed. ๐Ÿ™

  5. Kurisu July 21, 2011

    Thanks!! Keep up the good work and don’t worry about the release times too much ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Leskyel July 21, 2011

    Thanks for the subs!

  7. macxxx007 July 20, 2011

    Unfortunately… I don’t know how to typeset… though I wish you the best of luck and hope you find one soon!

    Thanks for the episode and don’t sweat the need for punctuality… FEW THINGS ARE EVER ON TIME!

  8. Lorgan July 20, 2011

    Thanks again.

  9. evoL July 20, 2011

    Thank you very much Anime-Destiny!


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