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It goes back to canon next week. This story’s all right though.



10bit 720p:

There will be a v2 of 42 with chapters and proper deinterlacing soon.

animedes’s Edit:
And the next couple Bakuman episodes should be done soon, too. Here’s episode 11:

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  1. aviseeker February 15, 2012

    Can you tell us what is currently happening? It is unusual of you to not release Toriko 44 yet.
    I’m worried it has got something to do with the computer.

  2. Toriko Fan February 14, 2012

    So when you’re goin’ to release next ep of toriko? Pretty please with a cherry on top!

  3. ryu February 11, 2012

    download not work!

  4. DestinyWaits February 11, 2012

    nyaa says Status Unknown >_<

  5. Kyuzo February 10, 2012

    Keep up the good work.

    I am a gluttonous anime-gourmet. I keep staying hungry till I get the “Full Course” then eat it all in one go, if you get my drill xD. Way more fun.

  6. Christie February 8, 2012

    Out of curiosity, what’s the writing in the beginning of the ep, I think it says something about march 3rd? (and is there a way to erase it?)

    • prefix- February 8, 2012

      It’s a Tsunami warning (that’s also the sound in the beginning)
      And no, can’t remove it, it’s part of the raw.

  7. Big_Boss_90 February 8, 2012

    Thank you!

  8. mikness360 February 8, 2012

    thanks guys!!!!!!the episode itself was a little lame though,hope the story returns soon

  9. Hiei February 8, 2012

    Thanks for torrrriiikoo Since you guys are doing a v2 i thought i should metion a very minor little typo at 20:13 where tina says group apple instead of grow apple.
    Again thanks for the release

  10. milek February 8, 2012

    thank you

  11. thanks February 8, 2012

    thanks for toriko release 🙂

  12. Smotchuu February 8, 2012

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you~!

  13. Geese1 February 7, 2012

    Thanks for the new Bakuman release – was just looking earlier today on your site to see if there was any updates!

  14. macxxx007 February 7, 2012


    And I was just getting hungry!

    Thanks so much for the episode!


  15. Bohno February 7, 2012

    My Nessie just left me…

    Btw thanks for the episode L)

  16. Grim February 7, 2012

    Thank you very much.

  17. Chewy February 7, 2012

    Lol at screen choice Thx for the subs


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