Bakuman 13:
animedes’s Edit: Based on the official anime site, the next episode of Toriko (48) doesn’t air until the 18th, so there won’t be any new episode this week (March 11th-17th). So we’ll be trying to spend some more time on Bakuman.
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This might be a dumb question but are you going to finish bakuman? i just found this anime and i really like the way you guys did the first season
There is some missing subtitle on Bakuman first season episode 24 on conversation at 00:45 “ja, oretachi …..” after the “Honestly, I wanted anybody but KOOGY to win too”.
And wouldn’t it better to put the song subtitle up rather than in the same line as the conversation? Because at the end of episode 25 (00:22:30 up) , i couldn’t follow what their conversation are because the song subtitles are getting in the way .
A-Destiny DDL MIRROR : http://www.sorainnosia.com/Mirror/List (we automatically release DDL mirror everytime this site release a torrent)
And i just had so much to say… Sigh…
Your anally-open friend, Lover of Gaykuto…
Wats a Gaykuto? Some kinda FoTNS troll?
The IRC link has been “fixed”/links to Mibbit.com and our IRC channel. Good times.
Please fix the irc so we can chat lol
I wish they’d at least stagger the breaks instead of having both the manga and anime skip at the same time. I can get by with one or the other, if I have to.
Thanks for the xlations. Thanks for the forums that let us read your update(s) – especially the periodic two week hiatus jp shows sometimes take.
Thanks for letting us know, Kewl! Btw what are the ratings high for this show? What do Japanese people think of it?
I’ll be waiting for my manly dose next week!
In the mean time i’m gonna go and watch some gay stuff at HOKUTO_NO_GUN_DOT_COM, the best gay stuff in manga anime there is!
Thx 4 Toriko release!! π
Thanks for the new Toriko Ep!
BTW. Some time ago, (maybe 10 eps back), Toriko combat moves were marked in the subs time-code, In the later eps, this marks were removed & now it’s hardsubbed. If it possible, please swithback to the previous subbing model.
Thank you for the new Toriko π
Thanks for Bakuman. Appreciate all the hard work to get these done.
Thanks for the new Bakuman release!
Oh, the humanity!
I removed his ridiculous posts. It doesn’t take much effort, if he wants to spend his life spamming comment fields that’s fine with me π
The link for 720 and Hi10 are the same. Fix them please.
Your anally-loving, cloud cumming, s’rbian Lover of Gaykuto!
Sorry about that, hope you guys found it all the same, it’s fixed now. Enjoy π