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Everything wants to kill you…

Toriko 50 hi10p:

Toriko 50 720p:

Toriko 50 480p:

Next week’s Toriko episode, Toriko 51, is a second crossover with One Piece. So it’s an hour long and might take longer to sub because of that. I’ll just say that now in case any such problems arise.

Just a note, we do intend to finish Bakuman. Mostly the delays have been because the typsetters in Tomodachi-Subs were busy even after they got back from that long delay in December/January. We might also be trying to finish those back projects done and maybe do some other new anime once we’re past all that.

The 480p encode wasn’t 480p, so use the version there now, with the CRC code 65921D57.
And we’ve made batch torrents of the first 50 episodes.

Toriko 1-50 hi10p: (The first 34 episodes weren’t done in hi10p, so those are all the same as the first 34 episodes in the h264 720p torrent.)

Toriko 1-50 720p:

Toriko 1-50 480p:

It’s a lot to seed, so please be patient.

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  1. Toriko Fan April 10, 2012

    Any update on Toriko? I want to stick with you guys, but there’s already a release from CMS ;<

    • Toriko Fan April 12, 2012

      So in the end I’m going to betray my loyalty towards you and watch from different group ;( You’re doing it too long and give us no updates… That’s… sad.

      • ASAP FERG April 12, 2012

        good riddance. you couldn’t wait two days for quality subs

  2. Amil Gaoul April 9, 2012

    No-More-Sp. For One Piece Pls…Continue The Story Already… X_x

    THx for the hell of the great job you are doing guys…Love&peace

    Ps: OP AND TORIKO are from my fav. animes….Don’t get me wrong
    but, it’s not the time for Sp. in One piece…t_t

    @AnonymousApril 8, 2012

    [[Great Stuff as always A-D!

    I have a question about the next episode (OPxToriko)… do you consider working together with Yibis on this collaboration episode?
    Keep up the great work]]

    I don’t think So, Cuz The First Cross over, Yibis didn’t released One piece episode…and was enough to mention that it’s gonna be a sp. with the starting of the new anime Toriko..

    That’s what I know… O_o

  3. Name April 9, 2012

    No-More-Sp. For One Piece Pls…Continue The Story Already… X_x

    THx for the hell of the great job you are doing guys…Love&peace

    Ps: OP AND TORIKO are from my fav. animes….Don’t get me wrong
    but, it’s not the time for Sp. in One piece…t_t

  4. Anonymous April 8, 2012

    Great Stuff as always A-D!

    I have a question about the next episode (OPxToriko)… do you consider working together with Yibis on this collaboration episode?

    Keep up the great work

    • Lover of Gaykuto April 9, 2012

      The Crossover is already released (look for it on nyaa). But i’ll be sure to get A-D’s release once it’s out!

  5. Treasach April 5, 2012

    Thanks for the batch upload guys. I’d lost the first twenty-five episodes when my old computer died. I’ll be sure to see for as long as possible. ^^ And thanks again for all your hard work. It’s very much appreciated.

  6. Neros April 5, 2012

    Theres 720p and Hi10p of episode 49 in the batch.

  7. Neros April 5, 2012

    HELL YA!!! My 1TB HDD crashed about a month ago and its been taking a while to redownload these episodes again for archive. THANK YOU!!!!

  8. Anonymous April 3, 2012

    When is Bakuman II 14 gonna come out ?!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?
    Waiting like over 9000 hours

  9. Somebody April 3, 2012

    Hi10p contain Shakugan no Shana instead of the real episode….
    April mop eh?

  10. Ace April 3, 2012

    Hey could you guys make a batch torrent of all episodes or start seeding some of the old ones a lot I find are either dont have any seeds or are status unknown. Got some friends into the series but they cant find ll the episodes would be greatly appreciated^^

  11. macxxx007 April 3, 2012


    Thanks for the episode and the info about the next episode being a crossover!


  12. milek April 3, 2012

    thank you for toriko. great episode.

  13. Jack April 3, 2012

    Thanks for the subs & the direct downloads!!

  14. Big_Boss_90 April 3, 2012

    Thank you!

  15. Bubbleboy April 3, 2012

    thanks for the sub… do you know which episode is the last of season 1 or start of season 2?

  16. Koko April 3, 2012

    Thank you! Sorry for asking this, but are you planning on releasing a batch for Toriko? It’s kinda hard to download it…

  17. Smotchuu April 3, 2012

    *U* Another Toriko!
    Thank you!

  18. 123 April 3, 2012

    480p is not 480p. You seems to have encoded it with wrong settings.

  19. Bubblecup April 3, 2012


    • Amil Gaoul April 9, 2012

      Be Patient, As Great As A-Destiny Are, They Are No Super-Human Being

      Patience Is A Virtue, Dear Friend


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