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  1. Thor June 4, 2012

    Thanks cant wait for episode 59. Its with zebra and all 🙂

  2. Musashi June 3, 2012

    As always, you guys do an excellent job subbing.

    I’m really enjoying Toriko more and more as the series goes… lookin’ forward to Zebra!

    I’m also going to watch “Kingdom” when it comes out, and if you guys sub it, I’ll def watch your version.

  3. Lover of Gaykuto May 31, 2012

    I just read about Historie the other day. I hope it won’t affect the Toriko releases. Other than that i’m looking forward to it.

    Thanks for 38.

    Your anally-loving Luv_er_Uv_Gaykuto (with the word “gay” in it)

  4. Devilwood May 31, 2012

    is bukaman coming out anytime soon i’m about to explode waiting for it. I like how you sub torrnets.

  5. mikness360 May 30, 2012

    thanks guys!!!!awesome episode!!

  6. Big_Boss_90 May 30, 2012

    Thank you!

  7. Smotchuu May 30, 2012

    Yay new release :3
    Thanks guys.

  8. milek May 30, 2012

    thank you for toriko

  9. macxxx007 May 29, 2012


    If you pick up “Kingdom” I’ll be sure to watch you guys!



  10. Animelover May 29, 2012

    Thanks for the release.


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