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Hi, I’m having to transfer the website to a new server. So pardon the appearance as we get it setup and fix any problems.

Ok, we ended up having to transfer servers today because of a problem with the old one. I had to pay most of what we’d had saved in donations to pay for this site server. Previously we were getting our site for free, but we had to move it to one we’re paying for. So if anyone could be so kind as to donate to make sure we can keep the site up and running in the future, we here at anime-destiny would all really appreciate it. You can do so using the button on the sidebar. They accept paypal or credit (and I think debit) cards.

Coincidentally this was all on the same day we released the first episode of our new series we’re working on, Kingdom. It’s based on a popular manga that runs in Young Jump which I really like, so I hope you’ll give it a chance. The series is set to be 38 episodes long. The first episode is double length, and it airs on Mondays. The plan currently is to softsub the whole episode and only release two encodes (one x264 480p and one 10HiP 720p), and see how that goes. It’ll save a lot of staff time and effort and help avoid delays. If there’s enough demand for an x264 version of the 720p, we can also do that, if necessary. Most codec packs and players allow you to watch 10HiP at this point if they’re up to date.

Also, we could really use another Timer and QCer to help work on this project, as some of the staff will sometimes be too busy to work on this. If you have experience and want to apply, email me at or private message me on the IRC channel (

Kingdom 01

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  1. Name July 31, 2012

    This anime are not eng subs!!!!

  2. Toriko July 11, 2012

    Thank for introducing me to another great series.

    The subs are broken on the first episode (480). Tried it on VLC and KMPlayer. Later episodes seem to work fine.


  3. mak-evil June 10, 2012

    what about bakuman?!

  4. Track June 8, 2012

    Nice! Do you guys need someone with motion-tracking knowledge…?

  5. Lover of Gaykuto June 8, 2012

    Thanks, i plan on donating soon.

    Your anally-loving Loer of Gay -kuto.


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